Joint Repair

We offer multiple state-of-the-art options for dealing with joint pain and loss of mobility. Learn more about our natural, non-evasive treatment options below

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Human Umbilical Cord Tissue Allograft Injections?

Human Umbilical Cord Tissue Allograft Injections utilize the regenerative properties of umbilical cord tissue to promote healing in damaged joints. These injections provide: Cushioning: The tissue creates a cushion in the joints, reducing friction and wear. Viscosity: It helps to restore the natural viscosity of the joint fluid, allowing for smoother movement. Inflammation Reduction: The allograft contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and pain. Increased Range of Motion: By addressing the underlying issues, these injections help improve your joint’s range of motion and overall function.

Benefits of Umbilical Cord Tissue Allograft Injections: Non-Surgical Solution: Avoid the risks and recovery time associated with surgery. Quick and Simple Procedure: The injections are minimally invasive and can be completed in a short office visit. Natural Healing: Harnessing the body’s natural healing processes to repair and regenerate tissue. Long-Lasting Relief: Experience sustained improvement in joint function and pain relief.

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What are Platelet Rich Plasma Injections?

Platelet-rich plasma is a type of regenerative sports medicine involving a blood plasma sample with a significantly higher concentration of platelets than normal blood. These are the regenerative cells in our blood that help promote your body’s natural healing. When concentrated and injected into the affected joint, PRP can help reduce pain and improve the healing process. It has been available in the U.S. since the early 2000s, and numerous studies have reported positive results. Platelet rich plasma is believed to work by stimulating the growth of new tissue in the affected joint. It can be used to treat arthritic conditions, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, or sports injuries. The treatment is generally considered safe, with few side effects reported. A 2017 review on the use of PRP for joint pain found that the most common side effects were bruising and bleeding at the site of the needle injection and that there was little evidence that the benefits persisted past two months. A PRP treatment typically requires a small blood sample, which is then centrifuged to concentrate the platelets. The platelets are then injected into the affected joint. PRP treatments typically require multiple sessions over a period of several weeks or months, depending on the severity of the condition being treated. PRP has been used in orthopedic medicine since the late 1990s, with early clinical studies showing promising results. However, the results of these studies have not been replicated in larger trials.

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What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is a nonsurgical technique that uses injections to treat injured connective tissues. Connective tissues include tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Prolotherapy is also known as proliferation therapy or regenerative injection therapy.

Prolotherapy involves injecting a small amount of an irritant solution into damaged tissue to promote the body's natural healing process. The goal is to trigger a mild inflammatory response that encourages the regeneration and repair of injured tissue

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What is BPC-157

The Body Protective (Protein) Compound (BPC) 157 is a 15 amino acid sequence peptide. Its purported action mechanism is supporting angiogenesis (e.g. vascular development) through regulating Vaso Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), and, thus, promoting capillary growth and increased blood and nutrient transport. The process of healing is strongly associated with the ability of nutrient-rich blood flow to reach damaged areas of the body and BPC-157 is suggested to play a primary role to accelerate healing and may be beneficial in addressing the following:

Soft tissue damage: BPC-157 is said to help with muscle tears, pulls, and tendinopathy.     

Inflammation: BPC-157 is said to help control and reduce inflammation.    

Erectile dysfunction: BPC-157 is said to help with erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the area.    

Gastrointestinal issues: BPC-157 is said to help with gastric ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.     

Joint pain: BPC-157 is said to help with joint pain.     

Ligament & Tendon injuries: BPC-157 is said to help with ligament & tendon injuries.  

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What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy has long been employed as an alternative form of healing to traditional medical treatments. This therapeutic practice is said to provide a wide range of health benefits, from improving mental clarity and energy levels to boosting immunity and reducing inflammation. Ozone, a naturally occurring gas composed of three oxygen atoms, has potent antimicrobial properties that can combat viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Research on the topic is evolving, so it’s important to understand what ozone therapy is, how it works, and the potential health benefits associated with its use.

Ozone therapy involves the use of ozone gas to treat various medical conditions. It is believed to help boost the body’s natural healing process by stimulating circulation and improving cellular respiration. Benefits of ozone therapy include improved circulation, increased oxygen levels in cells, and stimulation of the immune system. It may also help reduce inflammation and pain associated with a variety of medical conditions. By increasing the oxygenation of tissues and enhancing red blood cell function, ozone therapy can help prevent cellular damage.

Treating Inflammation: Ozone therapy has become an increasingly popular treatment and has been shown to be effective in relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Ozone stimulates increased oxygen flow to targeted areas which helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing. This also has the added benefit of reducing pain associated with inflammation in those areas. Ozone therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of infection in areas that are prone to inflammation. One of the major benefits of ozone therapy is that it can be administered quickly and easily. Ozone gas is injected directly into the area that is experiencing inflammation, and this allows for a rapid response and relief from symptoms. As a result, ozone therapy is a great alternative to more invasive treatments such as surgeries or medications.

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What is PeMF Therapy?

Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy is a non-invasive physical therapy that uses magnetic fields to treat a variety of conditions.  During PEMF therapy, short pulses of magnetic fields are applied to living tissue, which induces small electrical currents in the tissue. This can have a number of effects, including:

Regulating inflammation PEMF can modulate inflammatory processes by regulating the secretion of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. This could have significant effects on tissue regeneration. Increasing bone tissue regeneration PEMF has been shown to increase bone tissue regeneration in a variety of medical treatment disciplines. Restoring balance to damaged cells PEMF can help restore balance to damaged cells, which can help them regenerate and function properly. PEMF therapy has been suggested as an alternative or complementary treatment to pharmaceutical therapies. It's used to treat a range of conditions, including: acute or chronic bone and muscle disorders, depression, non-union fractures, and brain disorders. 

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What is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates the body’s natural healing process. It can relieve pain and promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. It accomplishes this by releasing growth factors in the injured tissue. Shockwave therapy is sometimes referred to as EPAT, or extracorporeal pulse activation technology. Shockwave therapy is a type of regenerative medicine (also known as an orthobiologic therapy). It is used to treat tendinopathy as well as difficult-to-heal ligament injuries. Some degenerative tendinopathies have an associated buildup of calcium in the tendon. Focused shock waves can break calcium deposits up. The treatment can also promote healing after orthopedic surgery — for instance, if a hip impingement has damaged tendons and ligaments around the hip. Surgery may correct the hip impingement, but after years of overworking and degeneration because of the impingement, the surrounding tendons often remain painful. Shockwave therapy can be used to address this secondary issue.

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How can Chiropractics help?

Many people who have back pain have been experiencing it for so long that they believe that it’s just a regular part of their life. Even after you have taken pain relievers, used heating pads, ice packs, and maybe even bought an expensive, specialized mattress, your pain can still remain. While all of these tools can be used in an attempt to manage your back pain, the actual root cause of the issue has yet to be addressed.

Many chiropractic patients suffer from conditions that can’t be corrected through temporary measures. When you must sit at a desk for eight or more hours a day, your mattress and pain relievers just can’t fix it. If you’ve tried these options but are coming up short in managing your pain or range of motion, you may want to consider a chiropractic adjustment. If you’re still weighing your options, here are some benefits to consider if you are thinking about scheduling your first chiropractic adjustment:

REDUCE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE Some studies suggest that receiving chiropractic adjustments can have the same effect on your blood pressure as some medications that are specifically designed to lower your blood pressure without the side effects often associated with blood pressure medications such as fatigue, nausea, dizziness, weight loss, and anxiety. The study also found that these effects were not just short-term and that the benefits of an adjustment could last up to six months after your appointment.

ADJUSTMENTS CAN HELP WITH NECK AND BACK PAIN Individuals that have a misaligned spine or pain in their spine often try to adjust their position in an attempt to reduce pain in a specific area. Unfortunately, this shift in posture can result in poor alignment in other areas. Your chiropractor can help to align your problem areas which can result in better overall posture and reduced pain throughout your back and spinal column. CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS HELP SCOLIOSIS Scoliosis is a condition that affects the curvature of the spine. The back can curve and twist causing difficulty with mobility, range of motion, pain, and may even affect your ability to breathe. While there are several options available to help cope with scoliosis, chiropractic adjustments have shown to help treat the disease. When chiropractic adjustments are used in tandem with physical therapy, the progression of scoliosis can even be halted.

REDUCE INFLAMMATION Many patients believe that the only way to reduce inflammation is with medication or heat therapies. However, these help options are only temporary and can’t correct the underlying problems, but when you utilize chiropractic adjustments, you can often stop the issues that are causing the swelling in the first place.Since properly aligned joints are not as likely to experience irritation that leads to inflammation, chiropractic adjustments can reduce or eliminate your inflammation as well as eliminate the need for medications. STOP SCIATICA Sciatica is a condition that many patients experience that causes pain to radiate down your spine and into your legs. This is the result of a damaged or pinched sciatic nerve. Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve which can lead to a reduced need for pain medications and a reduction in overall pain.

ADJUSTMENTS CAN HELP HEADACHES Both migraine and tension headaches can be linked to problems with the back or spine. In fact, headaches are the top reason that people seek the help of a chiropractor. A properly aligned spine helps with both muscle tightness and pain which can cause both types of headaches. This means that there is a cascading positive effect of your chiropractic adjustment as an aligned spine does not strain the muscles and therefore won’t trigger your painful headaches.

OVERVIEW​​​​​​​ If you are experiencing pain in the back, neck, or any associated pain, call us and schedule an appointment today.

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Regenerative Therapies

HUCT & PRP Injections



We understand how it feels as we age. This is why we have dedicated our practice to helping people just like you relieve their suffering, feel better and get back to doing what they love.​​​​​​​.. and enjoy doing it! With clinics in Bozeman, Billings, Helena and Missoula, we are the Northern Rockies premiere leader in health and wellness optimization for joints, hormones and weight loss!

After years of having aching arthritis in my right shoulder, about 4 years ago the pain changed in character, becoming much more piercing and intense. I went to chiropractors for treatments but relief was only temporary. The pain continued to get worse and immobilized my arm to the point I couldn’t lift a glass. The pain became constant, around the clock, and continued to get so strong, I seriously considered ending my life. However, as I researched viable alternatives, stem cells seemed worth pursuing. At first, I tried an injection called PRP, but the doctor told me my cartilage was gone, so it wouldn’t help for long, and it helped reduce my pain for only two weeks. I needed a real stem cell injection to rebuild my cartilage. When I found Dr. Spence, with his advanced umbilical cord stem cell therapy, it seemed even better than getting surgery and extracting my own stem cells, so I got a simple shot in my shoulder. Within the next 24 hours, I started feeling a softening of the pain and within two weeks my arm felt normal, as if I had nothing wrong with it. It’s been that way now for several months. It’s actually now better than my left shoulder, and I am considering having Dr Spence inject that one also.

~ J. Darragh

Knee surgery was not an option for me for many reasons and after meeting with Dr.Spence, I chose stem cells. Injections in both knees LITERALLY changed my life. There is no question I chose the right path !! I would definitely recommend stem cells, no going under the knife for me😊

~ D. Knox“

I was suffering from a bone on bone hip situation. I was told my only recourse was a hip replacement. After extensive

research, I decided to invest in my body and received two injections. The results were amazing! I can sleep again, I can walk without constant pain, and I have to say I am 80% better. I feel like I have my life back again. If you are having any joint pain, do yourself a favor and go see Dr. Spence.”

~ C. Cathy​​​​​​​

“GREAT PRICES and service. They were very flexible with my schedule. This was much more affordable than surgery and it let me get back to running. Dr. Jahner was very professional. Definitely support this local business.​​​​​​​”

~ J. Villareal​​​​​​

I received stem cell therapy in March 2023 in my neck, right shoulder, lower back and left knee (in which I had a

meniscus tear repaired in 2010). My neck was extremely stiff and I would hear a popping sound when turning my head from side to side. I had discomfort in my lower back and do have some scoliosis there. The stress level on my spinal nerves was at the highest level. With the stem cell therapy and PRP injections, as well as the chiropractic adjustments, all areas are much improved. I received good care and the confidence that Dr. Jahner wanted to improve the quality of my life. This did happen. I am pleased that I chose to go through with this treatment.

~ D. Ostermiller

Dr. Spence Jahner

Bozeman Clinic

804 N 19th Ave

Bozeman MT 59715


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